Yeager set to celebrate 15 years to Houston

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Yeager Airport is set to celebrate 15 years of flights to Houston while at the same time making another announcement about air service.

A ceremony is set for 2 p.m. Thursday, according to airport manager Terry Sayre.

“It has turned out to be very big success and we are also going to have another announcement concerning other air service here at Yeager,” Sayre said.

The Kanawha County Commission and Charleston Area Alliance will be recognized for their financial support to get the American Airlines Houston flight off the ground 15 years ago. The service is now self-sustaining.

There have been 400,000 passengers, Sayre said.

“The main accomplishment is that we can keep supporting that flight. It’s good for local businesses here and it helps everyone heading west,” Sayre said.