Williams says school system going remote is proactive decision

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — All Kanawha County Schools are moving to remote learning next week.

The state’s largest school system making the announcement Wednesday evening that it will not hold in-person learning from Dec. 12-18, regardless of the West Virginia Department of Education map that comes out every Saturday.

“Mathematically we looked at the numbers and we are almost positive we are going to be orange on Saturday. So that means we would be all remote next week anyways,” KCS Superintendent Tom Williams told 580-WCHS.

“We thought we would give parents an opportunity to find childcare. There are parents that need to do that. This is also giving teachers an opportunity that students have everything with them…all their supplies, workbooks, etc.”

Students are being asked to log in to Schoology daily to complete work. Teachers and school service personnel are to report to the school.

Meal deliveries will continue daily through the normal bus routes. It begins at 11 a.m. Williams complimented the work behind the meal program from the child nutrition office and transportation officials.

Kanawha County Schools holiday break is scheduled for December 23rd to January 4.

Williams said most students have followed the guidelines while learning in-person.

“Kids want to be in school. They have been out for so long, they want a sense of normalcy. I haven’t had anything come to my office,” he said.

“I am sure at the local level, the principals have been handling it at the local level. Other than that, kids have been following the rules and doing what has been asked of them.”