Wendy’s franchisee optimistic about updated eatery

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The Wendy’s restaurant that will replace the one destroyed on Virginia Street East will have an “efficient style,” according to franchise owner Justin Schmidt.

The previous Wendy’s was destroyed Wednesday to make way for an updated restaurant. According to Schmidt, the old location was one of the first Wendy’s in West Virginia.

“It was open in December of 1974,” Schmidt said. “I believe it was the 65th Wendy’s in the system.”

Wendy’s currently has more than 6,000 locations worldwide.

Schmidt said he has seen a remodeling of the new restaurant, which will feature an “open ceiling,” flat screen TVs, fireplaces and new technology in the kitchen. He added changing the restaurant made since because of all of the new development in Charleston.

“This was the perfect building for downtown Charleston,” Schmidt said.

Schmidt said the Wendy’s will have 45 employees, adding some of the old employees were moved to other Charleston-area Wendy’s as construction began.

“Some decided to take some time off,” Schmidt said. “But anybody that still wanted to work, we were able to make that happen.”

Schmidt said he hopes the new Wendy’s will be open by the end of April.