Vandalia Gathering replaced with Saturday concert

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The annual Memorial Day celebration of West Virginia culture at the state Capitol is being replaced this year with a concert.

The West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History announced Wednesday the three-day Vandalia Gathering will not happen as traditionally held. In its place will be a two-hour concert on the north steps of the state Capitol. The concert will be livestreamed for people unable to attend.

The announcement of the concert’s location comes after a piece of concrete near the Capitol’s north steps fell through a ceiling and struck a state Capitol employee. An assessment related to the safety of the area is underway.

Organizers will also recognize the 2020 and 2021 Vandalia Award winners during the concert. The winners of the Quilt and Wall Hangings Exhibition will be recognized during a May 29 awards ceremony at the state Culture Center.

Last year’s event was postponed due to concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic. Attendees this year are encouraged to wear facial coverings and practice social distancing.