Underprivileged Children Foundation delivering hundreds of toys to children in southern WV

The WVSU football team gather with toys outside of the Charleston Walgreens.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Two truckloads of toys are off and being delivered to hundreds of children across 11 counties in West Virginia, courtesy of the Underprivileged Children Foundation (UCF).

UCF and Kanawha Valley community partners have been conducting a toy drive since Thanksgiving and Friday marked where those partners and the the WV State University Football team made the contributions of toys.

“We estimated that we received more than 300 toys today (Friday),” Tommy Vance, President of UCF told 580-WCHS.

“It literally could not fit in the back of my truck. It’s taking two truck loads to pull out of here and deliver these toys.

The contributions were made official at the West Washington Street Walgreens in Charleston.

UCF receives referrals from WV DHHR Child Protective Services to ensure that every child gets a toy at Christmas. The campaign helps 500 children in an 11-county area of southern WV, according to a release.

“Our foundation is four years old. We started long before COVID because we were aware there was already a need in the communities, there’s a lot if impoverish children out there. Our mission is to help the children and families of West Virginia,” Vance said.

More information on how to help the children and foundation can be found at www.helpWVkids.org or by calling (304) 807-6227.