Shots fired inside West Side GoMart; no one injured

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A Detroit man opened fire inside a GoMart convenience store on the West Side Friday afternoon, Charleston police said.

City Chief of Detectives Lt. Steve Cooper said the alleged incident began with an altercation between 26-year-old Ronel Lloyd McCauley, who also goes by the street name “Nelly,” and an employee. When he was asked to leave after attacking a manager, Cooper said he did so but returned after learning police had been called.

“The suspect in that altercation found out that a police report had been filed, he returned to the GoMart and assaulted a female manager,” Cooper said. “She received injuries to her nose and head. He was restrained by other employees, he went outside and came back with a firearm and came inside the store and opened fire.”

Convenience store video shows McCauley opening the door with his left arm and firing the gun with his right hand as customers scramble.

Aside from the manager, no one was injured by the gunfire, which Cooper thought was remarkable given that there were at least 10 people in the store, including a baby.

“It was just a miracle that no one was hit. I’ve reviewed the video and I was at the scene, and it’s really just a frightening crime,” he said. “Very glad no one was hurt, especially the baby in that baby carriage.”

Cooper didn’t know for sure how many rounds were fired, but he estimated that it was a high number.

“We have crime scene investigators collecting all the ballistic evidence. I can say there were numerous rounds fired inside the store and there were upwards of 10 people inside.”

McCauley allegedly fled the scene in a green-colored 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The shots were fired shortly after 2:30 p.m. Friday.

McCauley is still at large and police say he should be considered armed and dangerous.