Putnam County GOP winners all run unopposed in November

WINFIELD, W.Va. — The Republican Primary Election for county races in Putnam County will turn out to be the election winners.

In the races for commission, assessor, sheriff, and prosecutor, the GOP winners will not face opposition in November, running unopposed.

Brian Ellis defeated incumbent Steve Andes for a county commission seat, 3,682 votes to 3,543 votes. Brenden Long picked up 1,005 votes.

Nitro Police Cheif Bobby Eggleton will become the new Putnam County Sheriff in November as he faces no opposition. Eggleton defeated Putnam County Sheriff’s Deputy Will Jordan by fewer than 500 votes, 4,638 to 4,176.

Gary Warner won the race for Putnam County Assessor over Jarrod Summers, 4,871 to 3,432.

Prosecutor Mark Sorsaid ran unopposed on Tuesday.