PSC signs-off on agreement between WV American Water and Armstrong PSD

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The state Public Service Commission has given West Virginia American Water Company the approval to take over operations of the Fayette County-based Armstrong Public Service District.

“This was an emergency situation in which we had to act promptly for the public welfare and safety,” PSC Chairman Charlotte Lane said

According to the PSC, the new order “formalizes action” the agency took on an emergency basis on Aug. 14 to begin improving water quality and overall operations.

The agreement “is designed to help improve water service to Armstrong’s customers as quickly as possible,” the PSC order said.

The PSC has endorsed the joint request for an interim emergency operation and maintenance agreement without approving terms of the agreement, according to a PSC news release.

The Armstrong PSD provides water service to 822 customers and sewer service to 879 customers in a community south of Montgomery.