Pittsburgh-based rescue team helps make space for animal flood victims

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — To make room for animal victims of the June 23 flooding, a Pittsburgh-based animal rescue group airlifted animals from the Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association at Yeager Airport Wednesday.

Several dogs, who were the victims of abuse, were taken to safety by the Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Response Team.

“We have a shelter set up in Pittsburgh who’s going to take them, and these dogs with their story are going to be adopted within a week. It’s a win for everybody,” said co-founder Jonethan Plesset.

Director of Development for the KCHA Jessie Shafer said that following the flood, the biggest need was pet food, but the organization was also desperate for some of their animals to be rescued to make room for those displaced by the flood.

“We were wearing all of our staff out trying to get the job done to help families who needed us the most,” she said. “These people stepped in and we are eternally grateful.”

The Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Response Team rescues animals all over the country, Plesset said.

“It makes us and everybody on our team feel like a million bucks. To watch animals who are suffering go from the negative situation to a positive situation, it’s the greatest feeling you could have.”

The group also flew down a veterinarian and some needed medical supplies for the KCHA.