Nitro exploring new firefighter training program

NITRO, W.Va. — Nitro Fire Chief Casey Mathes says the Nitro Fire Department’s training program is in need of improvements.

Mathes spoke before the Nitro City Council on Tuesday about the importance of changes, telling the council members that a new program will improve the department and morale among firefighters.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us,” Mathes said. “We’ll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a new hire, but we don’t invest anything back into people to show them how to lead, change, culture, none of that stuff.”

The fire department has finalized a strategic plan for improving the unit. Mathes said he has spoken to companies about creating a new training program.

“I think this is something that is greatly needed,” he added. “This will set the tone for years to come.”

According to Mathes, officials are reviewing the idea of a hybrid training model with online and in-person options. One company told Mathes it can develop a curriculum specifically targeting the fire department’s needs.

“What you have now is a training program, and it’s kind of generic,” he said.

The city plans to publish an advertisement in hopes of receiving bids on developing a program.