N3 holds job fair for West Virginia office

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Technology firm N3 held a job fair Wednesday evening at the Clay Center for the Arts & Sciences of West Virginia, less than a month after announcing the opening of its office in South Charleston.

Around 200 people attended the event according to the office of U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who helped organize the event. N3 representatives conducted brief interviews to better understand the candidates, with the recruiters marking down which people to talk to at a later date regarding a more traditional job interview.

N3, which is based out of Atlanta, focuses on online sales and marketing with previous experience working with companies such as Microsoft Corp., SAP SE and Grainger.

Leslie Bates, the director of talent acquisition for the firm, said a position with N3 makes sense giving the change in global sales and outreach.

“Folks are really interested in technology and that’s where businesses are heading,” she said. “It’s nice to be the go-to, if you will, and we hope to be that specifically for Charleston.”

Bates said most of the positions being considered at this time will be in sales, with human resources and administrative positions opening at a later date.

“We’re primarily asking folks what are they interested in, what are they passionate about, why N3,” she said. “Do they want to be part of a company that offers growth like N3 does?”

The firm looks to hire 300 people for its office at the West Virginia Regional Technology Park. Bates said it will take a year for all of those positions to be filled.