Mountaineer Gas working to beat cold weather on Charleston’s West Side

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Mountaineer Gas Senior Vice President Moses Skaff says the utility has a total of 46 miles of natural gas lines to clear of water before more than 1,000 customers on Charleston’s West Side are fully restored to service.

Moses Skaff

Skaff said again Tuesday that the effort will likely take more than a week to complete.

The problem began last Friday when a highly pressurized water line developed a break and the force of the water pierced Mountaineer’s main gas line sending thousands of gallons of water through the system including residential lines.

Skaff said they have to do five things.

“Clear the main (line), clear the house line, clear the inside line of the houses, introduce the gas into the system, test the system and only then will be lighting them up,” Skaff.

More than 100 Mountaineer Gas workers and contractors are on the job.

Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin said there’s a multi-layered effort underway to meet the needs of residents including providing blankets, delivering hot meals or offering a hot at a nearby community center.

Amy Goodwin

Goodwin said they are learning that neighbors are helping neighbors.

“That is what I have always known about the West Side that this is a community unlike any other community,” Goodwin said.

Charleston and the Charleston Fire Department are working with the Red Cross and United Way to meet the needs. Goodwin said those with needs should call 211. She said those using space heaters need to make sure they are plugged into a wall outlet kept clear of things like blankets.

Skaff said unfortunately it will take several days to restore service. He said he’s thankful for the mild weather and realizes it may not last.

“Time is against us. We want to get there before cold weather moves in. We’re doing everything possible to get customers back on,” Skaff said.

Both Skaff and Goodwin were guests Tuesday on the Dave Allen Show on 580-WCHS.