Mountain Mission to end soup kitchen Friday

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Mountain Mission announced Wednesday that Friday will be the final day of its soup kitchen.

The soup kitchen, located on Sixth Avenue, opened in October 2016 as another division of the community organization. According to Mountain Mission Director John Roberts, the cost of running the facility was becoming too high to keep it in operation.

“We anticipated about 75 or so on a regular basis, but we’re actually around 175,” he said. “It’s really more than what this program can afford.”

Roberts said the increase in meals is correlated with the drug crisis, saying in a statement he estimates 80 percent of meals are served to people using drugs. Mountain Mission does partner with organizations like Prestera and the Department of Health and Human Resources, to direct people to drug treatment.

Roberts also said the soup kitchen is abused by people who can afford to make a donation but do not.

“The process has simply been come in and get free food,” he said. “When we started this, my intent was the honor system, but it’s just not working.”

Roberts said the program could be started again, but it would have to generate a profit.