Large amount of heroin seized near Ravenswood

JACKSON COUNTY, W.Va — Ravenswood Police Chief Lance Morrison says he’s not surprised a weekend traffic stop yielded a large amount of heroin worth more than a half-million dollars.

“To see two kilos of heroin is not all that surprising to me, I’m sure this won’t be the biggest seizure we see,” Morrison predicted in a statement released to the news media.

The department’s interdiction officers attempted to stop a vehicle driven by Guillot Isaac Inielsis of Columbus, Ohio, at the entrance to the Ohio River bridge Saturday night. Inielsis didn’t stop until he got into Meigs County, Ohio. Once there, Ravenswood officers searched his vehicle and found the heroin in a box.

“I believe we have one of the best criminal interdiction teams in the State of West Virginia, and thankfully so,” Morrison said. “I hope this helps our citizens understand why we conduct so many criminal interdiction patrols on our four lane and (Route) 68. We have direct information that the drugs that pass through our town eventually end up back on our streets.”

Meigs County authorities are taking over prosecution of the case. It’s believed the heroin had a street value of $544,000.