Kennedy campaign rally to be held in Charleston

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be in the Capital City for a campaign rally Saturday night.

The rally will be held at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Del Bigtree, director of communications for the Kennedy campaign, told MetroNews the event is part of a much larger push to get Kennedy on the ballot in all 50 states.

“Because he’s running as an independent candidate, he’s not automatically on the ballot, so we’re reaching out and getting Bobby out to talk to people so that we can get them involved in this process of getting their signatures and getting him on the ballot so people will finally have another choice,” he said.

Bigtree said Kennedy is a “legitimate” candidate who could take down big names like former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. He said Kennedy brings a fresh perspective that is not Republican or Democrat.

“So many people are just tired where it feels like no matter who you’re voting for, it’s the lesser of two evils. We believe that this year will be the first time in America you’ll have a legitimate other choice, a third choice, an independent choice,” he said.

Former Charleston Mayor Danny Jones said although he’s not a Kennedy supporter, he believes it’s only fair to hear from all candidates before heading to the polls.

“I don’t support him, but I think he should be covered. All the major news networks have frozen him out and will not cover him because they want to protect Joe Biden,” Jones said on Friday’s MetroNews “Talkline.”

Part of Kennedy’s goal as an independent is to unite people as a longtime lawyer.

“Everybody that’s watching him sees an educated person that has spent his life in courtrooms fighting for the people. He’s dedicated to taking that corporate interest that are controlling our government and that are controlling our media, getting them out of the system so that we can start having civil discourse again,” Bigtree said.

Bigtree said Kennedy will also work to take control of government spending if elected president.

“We’re going to get out of the forever war. We’re going to stop letting the CIA push us into wars that we do not need to be in putting hundreds of billions of dollars into other countries instead of investing into our country, our jobs, our infrastructure,” he said.

Kennedy held other rallies earlier this month in North Carolina, Georgia, and Hawaii.

The Primary Election in West Virginia is May 14.