KCHD holding another drive-thru health fair on Thursday

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — With the overlook of many healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kanawha-Charleston Health Department (KCHD) officials want to make sure local residents do not forget crucial screenings and other vaccinations.

The KCHD is hosting a Drive-Through Hero & Health Fair Thursday until 6 p.m. at Bible Center Church near Southridge.

Services offered will include free seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines, free blood pressure and blood glucose checks, free at-home colon cancer screening tests, free or discounted routine bloodwork, free car seat checks, free smoke alarms, free bicycle helmets, and free health education handouts.

“A lot of places had to cancel their health fairs or teddy bear fairs where kids came in and got vaccines or people got information about how to enroll in Medicaid programs or get those screening tests,” Young said.

A similar event in early November at the Shawnee Sports Complex saw 306 cars go through the line, according to Young. She added that 50 people were screened for colon cancers, more than 50 people received a fire alarm for their home and 65 people had bloodwork done.

Young is aiming for over 150 COVID-19 shots and 100 flu shots given out Thursday, the same numbers as the Shawnee event. Young told 580-WCHS that includes booster shots.

“As we get the rollout with boosters, the research points to the fact that we need to be boosting, giving that third dose or the second dose of Johnson & Johnson to just about everyone over the age of 18 to keep them safe,” Young said.

The fair is in partnership with the Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority, the Kanawha County Commission, the City of Charleston, CAMC Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and the West Virginia Health Network.