Kanawha County Smarter Balanced results right around state average

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Kanawha County Schools scored around the state average in all three sections of the Smarter Balanced Assessment.

On the English language-arts test, Kanawha County matched the state average at 47 percent proficiency.

In math, Kanawha was one percent above the state average, scoring 31 percent. At 35 percent on the science test, the county was one percent below the state average of 36.

“We’re pleased with our scores we have in the system as a county,” said Superintendent Ron Duerring. “We’re not always going to be satisfied, we always want to do better. We’ll continue to work in that effort to improve achievement each and every year.”

Compared to the 2015 Smarter Balanced numbers, Kanawha County scored 3 percent higher in ELA, 2 percent higher in math, and 1 percent lower in science.