Jones endorses Goodwin for second term as Charleston mayor

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Former Charleston Mayor Danny Jones is endorsing his successor to a second term.

Jones told 580-WCHS on Tuesday that will endorse Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin for another term, as Goodwin announced plans to run for re-election Monday.

Jones, the longtime Republican and Independent mayor, did not support Goodwin in 2018 but rather her opponent J.B. Akers.

He said that he hopes the endorsement shows that people, especially on a local level, can work together no matter the party.

“In such a disunified world, in a world where there is so much dissension, I thought I would make a unifying gesture,” Jones said.

Jones added that Goodwin has not been able to develop a vision or implement a vision for the city because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began one year into her first term.

“I like some of the things she is doing downtown. She is gearing a lot of things towards the youth, which is what will keep them here,” he said.

Goodwin told 580-WCHS Monday night she appreciates the support.

“I think what I am most proud of is he (Jones) has taken a look at our administration, taken a look at what we have done and has endorsed me and supported me. That really means a lot to me,” Goodwin said.

Goodwin became the first female mayor in the city’s history when she took office January 2019.

She is the only candidate to file to run for Charleston mayor, so far. Charleston resident Martec Washington has announced intentions to file. Saturday is the deadline for candidates to file.

May 10 is the primary election date.