Hunt talks jobs, infrastructure on Talkline

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Congressional candidate Mark Hunt says he can get things done. The former state lawmaker has filed to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination in the race for Second District Congress.

During an appearance on MetroNews “Talkline” Monday, Hunt, who spent 14 years in the House of Delegates, said his legislative record speaks of cooperation.

“I have the ability to reach across the aisle and build coalitions,” the Charleston attorney said. “I’m not sure that Mr. Mooney (Second District Congressman Alex Mooney) has been able to do that. One of the things I was able to do in the state legislature over the 14 years was to get things done.”

Hunt promised a high tech campaign from a professional staff in the months to come. The number-1 issue for the Second District has to be jobs, he said.

“To bring jobs to West Virginia, in particular, we have to improve our infrastructure, which includes roads and clean water and sewer programs….and just something as simple as high-speed internet,” Hunt said.

His legislative record would leave most considering him a moderate, he said.

“I’ve voted for some of the more conservative issues and sometimes I’ve voted for some of the more progressive or liberal issues,” he said.

The candidate filing period continues through Jan. 30. The West Virginia Primary Election is se for May 10.