Cuban citizens sentenced in credit card skimming

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Kanawha Circuit Judge Duke Bloom sentenced three Cuban citizens Thursday to a year of probation for skimming credit cards.

Lazaro Abraham-Manso, Yordan Herrera-Ruiz and Yusmani Alvarez-Esmori claimed to be refugees from Cuba. They pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiracy to commit credit card fraud.

Assistant Kanawha County Prosecutor Fred Giggenbach said the three collected credit card numbers from gas stations and went on shopping, adding they could face charges in other counties.

While the charge is connected to a possible prison sentence from one to five years, Bloom suspended the sentence in exchange for probation. He also said the men could serve the probation in Florida.

This verdict comes after a warning last week from the Division of Labor regarding multiple skimmers being found at gas stations across West Virginia.