Commissioner, Rutherford say Kanawha trick-or-treating is moving forward

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Trick-or-treat in Kanawha County is moving forward for Saturday night with guidelines in place as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

The Kanawha County Commission discussed those guidelines for the annual Oct. 31 event from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in neighborhoods around the county.

Commission President Kent Carper said Tuesday that this event is for the kids.

“Just have the little ones have very little contact. Try to pre-arrange it so you can go to the neighbors and family members that you know. let them get out and walk around the street a little bit,” Carper said.

“Let the kids be kids for a few hours.”

Commissioners and Kanawha County Sheriff Mike Rutherford presented guidelines and tips for the night that is overshadowed by the virus.

Those include parent or adults must accompany children, have flashlights to walk with, maintain social distance and wear masks, agree on times/plans with older kids, never enter a car or home for a treat, and only go to homes with porch lights.

For trick or treaters, Rutherford said to stay in small groups, wear the reflective tape for costumes and trick or treat bags, carry a cell phone, remain on well-lit streets, never cut across yards, don’t assume the right of way, and walk at the far edge of the roadway facing traffic if there is no sidewalk.

“It appears if you believe the conditions on the ground, that very casual, loose interaction, the less contact the better would be safe,” Carper said.

The Kanawha County Sheriff’s office will have extra patrol out on Halloween night.

“They’ll be out and in force. Even if there are just a few people, I’ll quote the sheriff on this, if there is one child out we want to protect that child,” Carper said