Charleston police investigate vandalism

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The words ‘Black Lives Matter’ were spray-painted on the sides of two buildings in Charleston early Tuesday morning, police said.

Charleston police say the style of writing and paint color were the same at both scenes.
Charleston police say the style of writing and paint color were the same at both scenes.

Investigators believe the vandalism is connected because the style of writing and paint used appear to be the same.

The messages were sprayed on the side of the Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences near Washington Street East and the building housing Fox’s Pizza on Ruffner Avenue.

The suspect is believed to be white and about 30-years-old. He was wearing checkered shorts with black shoes at the time, police said.

The graffiti was removed from both buildings by early afternoon.

There was a Black Lives Matter rally at the state capitol Sunday. Authorities said it was peaceful. There were no arrests.