Charleston Area Alliance updates strategic plan

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — One of the most important factors in attracting companies to a region is workforce. Matt Ballard, the president and CEO of the Charleston Area Alliance, says that is the new litmus test for locating a business since the Alliance last updated its strategic plan.

“Workforce and talent attraction is really the first question any company is going to ask. It’s not taxes or workers’ compensation, those will be on the list, but the first question is can I get the talent in the local workforce I need,” he said.

That’s why the first two goals of the new strategic plan are aimed at attracting and retaining young professionals to the Charleston area.

“We’ve got to have a great place for people to want to come to attract talent. It’s also facilitating downtown housing and that includes getting our downtown businesses to stay open past five and giving young people a place to live in the city,” he said.

The five goals are:

— Create an inclusive environment in which people want to live, work and play.
— Facilitate downtown housing to create a robust and vibrant community.
— Create growth through the support of existing businesses.
— Serve as the collaborative conduit for property development.
— Create growth through a strategic communication, recruiting and marketing plan.

Ballard indicated supporting existing businesses continues to be the main reason for the alliance as it has been since it was created. The organization also believed the development of property in the city and marketing the city to the rest of the nation and world were important considerations.

“Part of goals this year is to research best practices around the country. Tulsa, Oklahoma will pay you to move there. Is that right for West Virginia and Kanawha County? We don’t know yet, but we’re going to take some time to explore and examine that and see what such a program might look like for us,” he said.